12 Days best of Uganda Safari

12 Days best of Uganda Safari

12 Days


Day 1 :

You will be received by one of our company delegates from Entebbe Airport who will drive you to your hotel. If you arrive in the morning, you are advised to have your money that you will use on the safari exchanged into Ugandan shillings. You will then have a guided tour in the city to places like , Uganda Martyrs Namugongo Shrine, the crafts shops, Wamala tombs and the Uganda Museum. Later check-in into your place of accommodation in Entebbe.

Today you will visit the sanctuary of orphaned chimpanzees found on Lake Victoria. Chimpanzee viewing is conducted at specific times of the day and during this you will have an opportunity to observe the habituated chimpanzees.
In just a 10 minutes drive, you will arrive at the pier adjacent to the Uganda wildlife Education Center for a briefing by the guides. At about 9:00am, you will depart by motor boat to the island. In 45 minutes to 1 hour, arrive at Ngamba Island crossing the great Equator along the way. There you will observe the chimpanzees interacting with their keepers. You will be marveled by some clapping while others whistling for food. Ride back to the mainland to visit the botanical gardens, or the Wildlife Education Centre for lunch and to unwind, or tour the zoo for birding. Head to Kampala to slumber at holiday Express or red chilli, or silver springs.

After an early breakfast, head to Jinja to tour the Source of the Nile and Bujagali Falls, and also enjoy White Water Rafting on the lovely rapids. Additional activities include: bungee jumping, boat cruises, quad biking, fishing safaris and horseback tours plus many more others. From there you will drive back to Kampala for a night in one of the hotels.

In the early morning set from Kampala to Murchison Falls breaking for lunch in Masindi. At the falls, you will see the great Nile force its way vigorously through a small 7 meter wide gorge and drop thunderously more than 40 meters below. The Nile forms a cascade as it falls below offering a spectacular background for photographs. Dine and slumber at Basic Red chilli camp, or Sambiya River lodge, or the lavish Paraa Lodge.

Rising up early, you will have breakfast and then go for a game drive along the Nile’s northern banks. You can also opt to walk through the available tails. Some of the animals you will be able to see include Jackson Hartebeest, Waterbucks, Rothschild Giraffes, Lions, Elephant and a diversity of savanna woodland species of birds. After lunch you will have a boat cruise at 2:00pm on the Nile to see the various animals at very close range. You will be marveled by the great number of hippos plus crocodiles. If time allows, you can also go to the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary. Dine and slumber at Basic Red chilli camp, or Sambiya River lodge, or the lavish Paraa Safari Lodge.

Following breakfast, you will set off from Murchison Falls and continue to Kibale Forest National Park. This 8 hours drive will journey through the impressive western arm of the Rift Valley where you will see various birds endemic to the Albertine rift. Among the birds species you will see include: Turacos, Senegal Coucals plus the White Browed. You will marvel at the stunning escarpments, banana plantations, and tiny African villages. You will later arrive in the beautiful Fort Portal town which looks into the beautiful Mountains of the Moon (Mountain Rwenzori). Dine and slumber at mountains of the moon, or Ndali Lodge

After an early breakfast, head to the Sempaya Hot-springs to marvel at the large steaming pool bigger than a geyser found at the rim of the swamp clearing and assessed on foot. From there you will visit the pygmy villages found adjacent to the Ituri rainforest to learn about their intriguing culture and lifestyle. Enjoy a picnic lunch in the jungle being entertained by sounds of singing birds and whistling chimps plus monkeys. Dine and slumber at the Basic kanyankyu ecological site found at the park head-offices, or at Ndali Lodge, or at Rwenzori View guest House

Have an early breakfast and depart for Kibale Forest National Park popular for having the largest diversity as well as numbers of primates in the whole of East Africa. Have a guided natures trek in the verdant forest to see the chimpanzees, red-tailed monkeys, the white & black colobus monkeys, plus many others in addition to an array of butterflies. After lunch, you will tour the Crater Lakes Region. From there you will continue to Queen Elizabeth National Park to dine and slumber at Simba safari camp, or at Ihamba, or at Mweya Safari Lodge.

You will be awakened by the beautiful sounds of chimpanzees, and the fresh aroma of African soil plus plants. After breakfast you will go for an exciting game drive, marvel at Lake George and Lake Albert plus their linking Kazinga Channel. Continue to the Institute of Ecology, you will see lions, kobs, hyenas, hippos, elephants, buffaloes, the Python, warthogs plus birds. At 11:00am you set out on a launch cruise to see the largest population of hippopotami in Africa plus an array of birds. You will drive on to Bwindi to dine and slumber at Gorilla Forest Camp or Engagi Lodge

The time spent gorilla tracking is very unpredictable ass it is difficult to foretell how long the hike will go. For Uganda safaris adventure lovers, the expedition of gorilla tracking in their natural habitat is a very exciting activity. It may last anything from 2 hours so you should be well set to walk for several hours on the steep muddy trails before you finally come face to face with the gorillas, but the joy you will experience on coming seeing these tranquil giants will certainly be worth the efforts. You will be briefed on how to behave and handle yourself in their presence. Dine and slumber at Gorilla Forest Camp or Engagi Lodge.

Have an early breakfast before seeing out into Queen Elizabeth National Park for a game drive. Continue for birding at Lake Bunyonyi, or have an exciting cultural walk on the southwestern shoreline of Lake Bunyonyi to see the local villages. Here you will see pygmies who walk through the mountains coming from Rwanda to get market for their produce at Hakekuba Market. Pleasure in a canoe ride before setting back to dine and slumber at Bunyonyi Safaris Resort

After breakfast return to the capital Kampala where you will buy some souvenirs to carry back home. You will then be escorted to Entebbe International airport to catch your flight back home.

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12 Days best of Uganda Safari