Lake Nakuru National Park

Lake Nakuru National Park


Bird Watching

The park is a bird watcher’s paradise, especially around Lake Nakuru, which attracts thousands of flamingos and pelicans. In total, over 450 bird species can be seen in the park, including cormorants, kingfishers, and the majestic African fish eagle.

Game Drives

Lake Nakuru National Park is known for its abundant wildlife, and game drives are the best way to explore it. You’ll have the chance to spot rhinos (both black and white), lions, leopards, buffaloes, and zebras. The park is also home to waterbucks, giraffes, and numerous species of antelope.

Rhino Sanctuary Visit

Lake Nakuru is famous for its successful rhino sanctuary, offering visitors a rare opportunity to see both black and white rhinos in their natural habitat. This sanctuary is one of Kenya’s most important protected areas for rhino conservation.

Baboon Cliff

For a panoramic view of the park and Lake Nakuru, visitors can hike to Baboon Cliff. The viewpoint offers spectacular vistas of the lake, wildlife, and surrounding landscapes. It’s a great spot for photography and picnics, with the chance to observe baboons in the area.

Nature Walks And Hiking

The park offers opportunities for guided nature walks, particularly around the forested areas and the lake shore. These walks allow visitors to learn more about the local flora and fauna and spot smaller creatures not always visible during game drives.

What To Expect


  1. Flamingos – One of the park’s main attractions, thousands of greater and lesser flamingos can often be seen feeding along the lake’s shores, turning it into a pink spectacle.

  2. Rhinos – Lake Nakuru is a designated rhino sanctuary and is home to both black and white rhinos, offering visitors a rare chance to spot these endangered animals.

  3. Lions and Leopards – Predators such as lions and the elusive leopard can be found within the park. Leopards are often spotted in the acacia woodlands.

  4. Rothschild Giraffes – The park is home to the endangered Rothschild giraffe, distinguished by its unique white legs and darker patches.

  5. Buffaloes – Large herds of Cape buffalo roam the park, often seen near the water and grasslands.

  6. Waterbucks – These large antelopes are commonly found near the lake’s edge. Their shaggy coats and ringed horns make them easy to spot.

  7. Zebras – The plains around the lake are home to herds of zebras, offering a classic African safari experience.

  8. Birdlife – With over 450 bird species, Lake Nakuru is a paradise for bird watchers. You’ll find pelicans, cormorants, African fish eagles, kingfishers, and many more species.

  9. Baboons and MonkeysOlive baboons and vervet monkeys are commonly seen in the park, especially around the viewpoints and picnic areas.


  1. The Lake – Lake Nakuru’s shallow, alkaline waters are the centerpiece of the park. The sight of thousands of flamingos feeding along its shores, creating a pink hue against the blue water, is iconic.

  2. Baboon Cliff – One of the park’s best viewpoints, Baboon Cliff offers panoramic views of Lake Nakuru and the surrounding plains. It’s a perfect spot to take in the scale of the park and observe wildlife from above.

  3. Makalia Falls – The Makalia Waterfall is a peaceful spot surrounded by greenery, offering a picturesque view of cascading water, especially during the rainy season.

  4. Acacia Forests – The park’s dense acacia woodlands create a rich, green landscape, contrasting with the open grasslands and providing shelter for leopards and other wildlife.

  5. The Escarpment – The park is flanked by steep cliffs and hills that are part of the Great Rift Valley. These towering escarpments create a dramatic backdrop to the lake and offer stunning views from higher elevations.

  6. Out of Africa Lookout – This viewpoint provides a spectacular overview of the lake and surrounding plains, and is named after the famous movie that showcased the beauty of Kenya.

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